Did you know...
"Half of all marine life has been lost in the last 40 years"
Munsterkids has recently hosted a screening at our local school encouraged and organised by Zai Brown.
He felt compelled after watching the film with his family to share the message of his passion for the oceans survival.
"By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean then fish"
Being a Munsterkid not only means living life to the fullest but taking care of the world we live in so us kids always have the funnest backyard to play in.
Munsterkids asked Zai if he could spend five minutes with us to give us some serious low down on respecting our mother...
What inspired you to want to show the film at school?When I saw the film I just felt like I wanted to show everyone how important this crisis is.
Watch Blue the film with your family or host a screening of blue wherever you can! Details at https://bluethefilm.org
Follow Take3 for the sea and share your clean ups with them and your friends!
Tag @munsterkids in your save the ocean activations and we will help spread your message
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